Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"All living things are made of cells... There is no exemption."

The Earth serves as home for diverse plants and animals. Each of these animals and plants is said to be highly organized for each is composed of different structures with specific functions. Each organism, be it an animal or plant, is made up of tiny living units called “cells”. Each has structural parts and carries out certain functions for the body. Cells are very important to any living thing. The healthier cells an organism has, the healthier it is.
Cytology is the study of cells.

 Nowadays, knowledge about cells play a very important role for studying diseases and their cure, physical and mental disabilities, cloning, reproduction and the overall nature of life.
This specie of angiosperm is made up of tiny living units called "cells".

Prior to our background on these “tiny units of life” is the history of the discovery of cells. Thus, it is very significant to trace who were the people behind the discovery of cells.

Robert Hooke – first to discover cells from thin slices of cork from the bark of a tree.
Zacharrias Jansen – first person to make a compound microscope.
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek – first to witness a live cell under a microscope.
Ludolph Christian Treviranus and Johann Jacob Paul Moldenhawer – proposed that cells are separable into individual units.
Robert Brown – discovered the central part of the cell called nucleus.
Johannes Purkinje – discovered the jelly-like contents of the cell including the nucleus, called protoplasm.
Theodore Schwann – concluded that all animals are made up of cells.
Matthias Schleiden – reported that plants too are made up of living units called cells.
Rudolf Virchow – traced that cells come from pre existing cells. And that living cells cannot come from non-living things.
Likewise to the flower above, this puppy's body has cells in it.

Now, because of the combined contributions of Schwann, Schleiden and Virchow, the CELL THEORY was formed. This theory tackles the nature of cells which includes three principles namely:

  1. Cells are the basic structural and functional living unit of any organism.
  2. All living organisms are composed of living cells.
  3. All cells come from pre-existing cells and that cells undergo division that multiply their number.

So by way of understanding the above discussion, there is no exemption to the fact that all living things are made up of cells which allows them fully function as complete organisms.


  1. NICE LAY OUT AND SO SERIOUS TO LEARN... GOOD WORK...and nice to meet you sir erwin...
